
Make Kota A Smart City: Challenges & Solutions discussed in MeetUp

On 20th Sep, we organized the First Ever MeetUp in Kota city to bring people together and find solutions to the existing problems in the society. Now many people must have thought why the meetup is named as “How To Make Kota A Smart City” when we’re discussing social issues concerning society ? This is […]

Student Life

9 points why engineers should date a girl with Commerce background

While everyone talks about dating a girl with same interests, I beg to differ people. Here are 10 points why all engineers should date a girl with Commerce background.   1. She is great at finances and keeping track of the money and taxes. We engineers, being low on Financial knowledge (salary credit and debit) […]

Student Life

9 students committed suicide in Kota in last 6 months ! Doesn’t this make you uncomfortable ?

Kota has been making news globally and projecting itself as a coaching hub of the country producing maximum number of IITIANS and DOCTORS. But off-late it feels as if it is becoming a suicide capital of the country making news like: ‘Kota rocked with 5 teen suicides in a month’. – Indian Express June 30 […]


Beautiful Photos of Kota City

Also known as the Education capital of India, Kota City has numerous picturesque locations that are worth visiting & capturing! In this blog, we present you with some of the most gorgeous photos of Kota City. This blog is curated of Photos from Instagram and we don’t own the copyrights of these photographs. Photos of […]


5 Surprising Facts about Kota which you’ll find astonishingly awesome!

These first appeared in our exclusive series KCB Do You Know on Instagram We have curated a a list of 5 such surprising facts from the series. To check out all, you can search with #kcbdoyouknow on Instagram! So let’s get started… Kota Doria is the finest open weave fabric of India 2. Kota’s Mukundra […]


Happy Kota- Pharrell Williams’s Happy [ We are from Kota ]

If you’re from Kota City and you’ve not seen happy kota video, then you’ve got to be more updated. This video got viral on social media and people of the city loved it insanely. Hope you’ll also enjoy the Pharrell Williams’s Happy version of Kota. Pharrell Williams’ Happy videos were made of different cities all […]