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World-class Science Centre, Planetarium and an Innovation Hub to be built in Kota

The science centre and planetarium to be built in Kota will be one of the finest science centres and planetariums in the world. 

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed on 13th February 2023 between the National Council of Science Museums and the Department of Science and Technology of the Rajasthan government for the construction of a science centre and planetarium to be built at a cost of about Rs 35.25 crore.

 Along with this, an innovation hub will also be built here in the second phase. Speaker Om Birla asked to prepare a proposal for this as well during the MOU signing.

Rs 22.5 crore will be spent on the construction of the science centre. Of this, Rs 9.58 crore will be contributed by the central government and Rs 12.67 crore by the Rajasthan government. 

Similarly, Rs 13 crore will be spent on the construction of the planetarium. In which Rs 5.60 crore will be contributed by the central government and Rs 7.40 crore by the state government.

Idea to Reality: How everything is going to be developed 

  • According to the terms of the MOU, all the technical work for the construction of the science centre and planetarium will be under the supervision of the National Council of Science Museums. NCSM will do the work of selecting architects and builders for the management of the project, designing the building and for the purchase of any kind of equipment.
  • The responsibility of providing the land required for the construction of the science centre and planetarium will be the responsibility of the Department of Science and Technology of the Government of Rajasthan on time. Besides this, the department will also handle the work of connectivity, communication, availability of electricity and water, and clearance from various departments.
  • The management and operation of the Science Centre and planetarium will be under the supervision of the department for which a committee will be formed. Apart from representatives from the Union Ministry of Culture, NCSM, DST, the committee will also include five eminent persons associated with the fields of science, technology, education, commerce and industry, culture and museums.
  • The science centre will have a thematic gallery, fun science gallery, science park, children’s activity hall, auditorium with a capacity of about 125 people, and a conference hall will be built.
  • The planetarium will have a seating capacity of 85 people at a time. Its dome will be 10 metres high. Apart from this, an interactive exhibition on space science and astronomy, an astronomy activity area for students, a telescope to view space activities, and a mini hall for lectures on astronomy will also be built.

Boost to educational infrastructure of Kota

The new facilities will provide a much-needed boost to the educational infrastructure of Kota, which will in turn benefit a large number of students from across the country. The centre is expected to bring together the best of scientific minds and will provide an array of educational opportunities for students of all ages.

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