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Abheda Biological Park is expected to open before 15th August

Abheda Biological Park, situated on Nanta Road, will be Rajasthan’s fifth biological park after Nahargarh Biological park (jaipur), Sajjangarh Biological park (Udaipur) , Machiya Biological park (Jodhpur) and Marudhara Biological Park (Bikaner).

Image Credits : Pixabay @ sarangib


One thing which will make Abheda biological park truly fascinating among visitors and tourists is how it will be a place of confluence for heritage and wildlife.

Being approved by Central Zoo Authority of India (CZI) in February 2017, this four year long project is on the verge of its completion .

Here are some specifications about Kota’s very own biological park –

Area : Abheda Biological Park will have an area of 126 hectares.

Enclosures : The park will have 44 enclosures for various wild animals and birds.

Pathways :  For visitors to comfortably move around and enjoy, a 6 meter wide and 2 km long pathway is being built.

Greenery : 400 meter wide, 1.2 kms long green belt has been constructed with the plantation of almost 15 thousand saplings. 

Security Wall : For security purposes , a 6500 meter wall has been built

Budget : The park will be completed with a massive budget of 40 crores.

Location : Nanta Road, about 10 Kms from the main city. 

New Home for wildlife

The Biological park of Kota will be a friendlier place for wild animals and birds. They will have huge cages and sufficient walking areas. The animals which are presently in Kota Zoo are definitely getting a new, better home. 

Visitors will be able to see many species of wild animals and birds here including Tiger, Panther, Lion, Jackal, Indian Fox, Indian Wolf, Bear, Hyna, Chital, Chinkara, Sambar, Black Deer, Whistling Teal, Sarus Crane, and many more!

Will it boost tourism for Kota

Everyone seems to have a lot of expectations from this biological park. Once the park is open for visitors and tourists, it will be a boost for the tourism sector in Kota.

We can just hope that the Forest Department and other administrative officials have learned from the failures of Mukunda, and they are committed to make Abheda Biological Park a success for both – wild animals and visitors.

During the last visit by UIT officers, they assured that the Abheda Biological Park will be open for visitors before 15th August.

Can’t wait to experience the park.

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